Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Pearl by: John Steinbeck

Title: The Pearl
Author: John Steinbeck
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Shelves: Historical/Realistic Fiction, Classics, Academic Literature
Recommended for Fans Of: Ernest Hemingway, Willa Cather

Synopsis: In a little town off the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, lives a fisherman and his family. Kino, his wife Juana and their baby Coyotito live simple, content lives, undisturbed save for the intrusion of the rich white inhabitants of the town. One day, Kino's world comes crashing down when his baby is poisoned by a scorpion. This leads Kino the find a pearl, the greatest pearl, a pearl that has the power to either destroy or save his family.

Review: After reading this book for school, I cannot say I loved The Pearl. Usually I don't like books I am required to read for school, but The Pearl was okay. The events that take place and the things that happen in this novel bring out the true human nature, and outlines themes of greed, envy, and want. John Steinbeck brings out the song motif to emphasize just how greatly the pearl affected Kino. In the very beginning, Kino's family was most important to him, but after the pearl had planted its evil seeds and corrupted him, Kino had lost not only the melody of the family, but also everything he had valued  in his old life. Steinbeck writes a book that teaches a true life lesson concerning our values and morals. The Pearl teaches you that wanting too much of something is never good, and ultimately, money has the power to corrupt and save. It was a simple little story that became a little repetitious and monotonous at times, but had a very valuable life lesson.

Conclusion: If you are forced to read this book, like I was, let it change the way you view the world. Let Kino's life apply to yours and treasure the morals you receive from The Pearl. Classic literature can always be counted on to help you change your perspective on many things.


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