Tuesday, February 11, 2014

March Madness Read-A-Thon!

Why hello lovely readers! Can you believe it's already February?? I certainly can't! As the months are speeding by, I'm realizing just how many amazing books I want to read this year! Whether they're review books, or ones that have been on my TBR list for FOREVER, March seemed like a good month to get those books read. So without further ado, I present to you...

March Madness Read-A-Thon!

I'm (attempting) to host my first ever Read-A-Thon!! And since it is my first read-a-thon EVER, it's going to be very simple. There are only a couple of rules, and it won't be a very strict Read-A-Thon. SOOOO if you want to join along, read this post, grab the button, link up and let's get reading!

1) Any types of books are welcome! (E-books, review books, ARCs, library books, audio books, etc.)
2) You are not required to review every book you read. I don't expect a review for every book! HOWEVER, if you do write a review, feel free to leave me a comment on my own March Madness Read-A-Thon posts or tweet me @Fiction2Reality! You can also share any reading updates with the hashtag #MarchMadnessReads. 

3) The giveaway is open to MARCH MADNESS READ-A-THON PARTICIPANTS ONLY. This is because I really appreciate every single person who decides to join the Read-A-Thon, and want to give away a little something to those who support and participate in #MarchMadnessReads. The official prize will be unveiled March 1st.

4) Have fun! March Madness Read-A-Thon is simple, and there are not a lot of requirements for posts and such. There is only one requirement: READ. I decided to host this Read-A-Thon as a way to interact with other readers/bloggers, and to share the love of books! 

5) Posts not required, but much appreciated. I know not everyone has a blog, so just following along with the hashtag #MarchMadnessReads is perfectly fine as well. However, if you do want a way to share your Read-A-Thon progress with your readers, then feel free to take a look at the post suggestions below!

Post Suggestions:
1) Share your TBR list!
This can be a nice and short post with a couple pictures of the books you are planning to read! 
2) Teasers!
Again, short and simple posts sharing a couple lines from the book you are currently reading, so that your followers, or other participants can pick up the book as well!
3) Reviews!
Well if you've got a review, share it! Don't forget to Tweet or Facebook about it, and include the hashtag/ mention me! :)
4) Dream cast!
I don't know about y'all, but I just love to dream cast characters! Why not grab what you're reading at the moment and give us all a dream cast of characters?
5) Challenges!
Create some awesome reading challenges for yourself and share! Whether it be to read a certain genre, or to read *gasp* 3 books in one weekend, challenges are fun, even if you don't always meet them! 
6) Anything else you can think of! 
If you have your own original idea for a bookish post, then by all means, post it! Feel free to check back here as I will (hopefully) have some exciting posts. Also check out some of the other Read-A-Thon member's blogs for ideas as well! 

Now we speak of a Twitter chat.
Twitter chats!
Seriously love Twitter chats. And at the end of the month, why not have one? If we can have enough March Madness Read-A-Thon participants, then we can certainly have a #MarchMadnessReads chat at the end of March, so everyone can share what they read! *If you happen to have some books or bookish stuff you want to get rid of, and would be willing to donate as prizes for out Twitter chat, please email me at fictionthenewreality (at) gmail (dot) com! Donations MUCH appreciated! <3*

And finally, I would LOVE it if you guys could give Fiction_TheNewReality a follow (Bloglovin, email) or a follow on Goodreads, Twitter, or Facebook. This way, we can all keep track of The March Madness Read-A-Thon, and I can also meet more of you wonderful bookish people! 

So! Will you be joining me next month in the first ever March Madness Read-A-Thon? 

Add your links below! (Either link up with your blog URL, your Twitter URL, or Facebook/Goodreads)


  1. This looks great I will be sure to join.

  2. I'm so excited for this read-a-thon!! It's going to be an awesome one. :)

  3. When and how long is the read-a-thon going to be?

    1. Hi Adriana

      This Read-A-Thon will begin on March 1st, and end on March 31st, so it will last a month. :)
