Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Bookish Resolutions!

(well almost)

Every year I make resolutions, and in 2013, I ACTUALLY KEPT THEM! I met my goals, and I even added something new and wonderful to my life; BOOK BLOGGING! This means that bookish resolutions has taken on a whole new meaning. Here are my resolutions and challenges for 2014:

1) Be a better blogger in general! I want to come up with more creative ideas, interact with other bloggers more, and keep track of the entire blogosphere!

2) I resolve to put time and attention into every single review I write. Each book being reviewed deserves full thought and as much information as I can give other readers.

3) I resolve to be more organized. I started cleaning out my inbox today! Half the time, the reason I am so stressed is because I have a million emails to find and respond to.

4) I resolve to learn more about blogging! There's still so much to know! About ARCs, about Netgalley, about publishers, about book blogging in general, and the more I know, the better I'll be.

1) To read 365 books this year. Every year, I have the same challenge for myself, and I've come short about 100 books each year. In 2014, I'm going to challenge myself to read a book a day and explore new books.

2) To have 2,000 blog followers by the end of the year. Right now I've only got about 150 blog followers, and I really want to gain more followers by the end of the year!

3) More pageviews/comments: I appreciate and love every single comment and pageview I receive. This means that people are actually looking at my blog, and giving me feedback. 

4) To be an awesome blogger. I'm still a newbie, but this year, I can't wait to expand my blog and make Fiction_TheNewReality fairly well known in 2014!

So what are YOUR bookish resolutions? Leave comments, people! Here's to a wonderful new year!



  1. These are some awesome goals! :) A book a day is a lot but I'm sure you can do it! I want to get more followers also. Counting my twitter, facebook, and blog (not counting repeat people) I have 46 followers so I guess that's a pretty good start for around 2 months of blogging but I would still like more! :)

  2. Wow!! Your resolutions are ambitious and awesome. Love!! :-)

  3. Those are some big goals! :D I just wanna throw a few things out there. It's not all about the followers. Yes.. Big #'s are nice, they look good to publishers and make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. But having a chunk of ACTIVE followers is so much better than having High #'s! I wouldn't mind if my #'s dropped if more people commented haha. 365 is very ambitious! Make sure you throw in some " just for you reads" I know when I have just been reading review book after review book I get worn out and sometimes frustrated. sometimes you just gotta read something just for you. I would LOVE to get more organized as well >.< ... i'm bad.. seriously .. Good luck in all your goals! will be visiting back soon! :D

  4. Those are some great goals! =D I hope you finally reach the goal of reading 1 book a day this year & happy new year!! =D

  5. 365 books? Wowza! Good luck! I set my goal at 80 and I don't even know if I'm going to make it. =/

  6. I'm looking forward to reading Faking Normal. Wow 365 is a huge reading goal. My goal is to read 100 books this year. 1 down(Fire Bolt) 99 to go.
